Our Wholesale Terpenes work synergistically with cannabinoids in The Entourage Effect.
Separate from cannabinoid compounds, but equally important in the Cannabis plant are wholesale Terpenes and Terpenoids. These terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinct chemical difference in them in that terpenes are hydrocarbons (containing only hydrogen and carbon), whereas terpenoids have been denatured by oxidation in the drying and curing process, and chemically adapted to include oxygen in their chemical constitution. Much in the same way that acidic forms of cannabinoids evolve into the major and minor cannabinoids during decarboxylization in the magical evolution of Nature's best medicine.
Beyond the more than 120 cannabinoid class compounds in the plant, terpenoids constitute at least another 140 distinct compounds that contribute to the effects and medicinal properties of Cannabis. However, terpenes are not exclusive to Cannabis, and in fact exist in virtually every plant known to man, and are responsible for the aroma and flavor of plant-based foods. We would not know the scent or flavor of pepper, oranges, or lavender without their terpenes working in infinite combinations to produce the universe of unique offerings in Mother Nature's plants.
It is the unique combination of terpenes and terpenoids in Cannabis and hemp that define the distinct strains, and are largely reponsible for their effects. Not surprisingly, Nature is extremely efficient and these exact chemical profiles throughout the plant kingdom and is why certain strains of cannabis can seem more citrus-leaning in aroma and flavor, or one might remind you more of grapes, blueberries or moss.
The science of terpenes and terpenoids is an enormous topic, however, we will focus here on the primary terpenes that are dominant in Cannabis and make their contibution in The Entourage Effect of hemp and cannabis.
Cannabinoids Knowledgebase