Wholesale Full Spectrum CBD Softgels

Full Spectrum Whole Hemp Extract Capsules

Full Spectrum Whole Hemp capsules provide 25 mg of true full spectrum hemp cannabinoids with less than 0.3% THC and are available bulk, or as White Label  whole hemp extract (unlabeled) or retail-ready Private Label whole hemp extract finished products.
Full SpectrumWhole Hemp Extract, Coconut Oil (MCT), Sunflower Lecithin, Beta-Caryophyllene, Sorbic Acid, Gelatin Shell (Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Water)
Sold as bulk (3,000 unit MOQ) packaged in 1 gallon jars. Finished products packed in a 30-count 75cc white HPDE bottle with child-resistant cap.
Cool and dry, below 30°C, avoid direct sunlight
Shelf Life
18 months unopened stored in a cool and dry location, away from direct sunlight.
Bulk: 3,000 capsules / White Label: 100 30ct bottles / Private Label: 250 30ct bottles