Wholesale CBD Softgels

Covalent Custom Cannabinoids current offers four types cannabinoid-rich softgels. Softgels are available for B2B wholesale online purchasing in bulk case packed, White Label (unlabeled) packaged product and Private Label finished products.

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Minimum Order Quantities

3,000 pieces is our minimum order quantity for bulk packed softgels of all types. White Label (unlabeled) packaged products and Private Label finished products are available in a 30 ct bottle pack. 100 units is the White Label option MOQ and 250 units is the Private Label MOQ.

All packaged softgel orders are lot coded, incude a tamper-evident shrink brand, and are packed 100 units per case.

Bulk packed softgel orders are typically shipped within 2 business days. White Label packaged product orders typically ship within 5 business days. Private Label finished product orders typically ship in 10-12 business days.

Custom formulation softgels have a 250,000 piece minimum order quantity.

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