More than 1,260 possible options available online 24/7.
Sublingual tinctures are available online in a wide variety of THC-free and Full Spectrum cannabinoid concentrate types with standard carrier oil choices of Coconut Oil (MCT – Medium Chain Triglycerides) or Organic Hemp Seed Oil. Standard milligram concentrations for most tincture types are 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg, 1500 mg and 3000 mg. Standard flavor options are Natural (unflavored), Blueberry, Cinnamon, Lemon, Lemon-Lime, Mint, Orange, Raspberry and Vanilla. Another 80+ premium tincture flavor upgrades are available with CBD Artisan Tincture Flavor Upgrades as tincture order add-ons.

Artisan crafted CBD tincture flavors are here to elevate your unique custom tincture products.
The senses of taste and smell are directly connected to our emotions and if you want your customers to absolutely love your unique tincture products, there are many opportunities available (87 and counting) to elevate your products with amazing flavors that are unlike anything your customers have experienced before in a CBD tincture. Explore CBD Artisan Tincture Flavor Upgrades...