Wholesale CBD Dog Chews 

CBD Dog treats Wholesale THC-Free Whole Hemp Dog Treats

Our CBD Rich all-natural wholesale CBD dog chews are an excellent option for your Pet Health & Wellness product SKUs. They deliver 3 mg per serving of CBDa, with zero THC and beef flavor that dogs love.

Available for B2B wholesale online ordering in bulk, or as White Label CBD products (unlabeled) or retail-ready Private Label CBD finished products.

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Pet Health and Wellness CBD for pet health and wellness Pet Care CBD
Brewer’s Yeast, Cane Molasses, Purifed Water, Beef Liver Powder, Taphioca Starch, Sunflower Lecithin, Potato Flour, Chickpea Flour, Cheese Powder, Glycerin, Safflower Oil, Galactic Preserv 06 (Lactic Acid natural preservative), Mixed Tocopherols, Sorbic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Hemp Oil Extract.
Sold bulk in 500 or 2,000 piece cases. Private Label packaging options available.
Shelf Life
12 months unopened.
Cool and dry, below 30°C, avoid direct sunlight.
Bulk: 2,000 pieces / Private Label: 100 units, 30 ct. Includes labeled pouch. (Custom printed pouch MOQ is 500 units)