Cannabinoid Concentrate Product Specifications

Wholesale CBD Concentrate

Extracts & Distillates | Cannabinoid Isolates | Water Soluble Cannabinoid Concentrates

Bulk Cannabinoid Concentrates

THC-Free Water Soluble Serum

THC-Free Water Soluble Serum

THC-Free Water Soluble Serum is a raw cannabinoid concentrate ingredient with a 50% Cannabidiol (CBD) concentration that can be used in the manufacturing of retail products. This product is a high viscosity liquid with pure single-cannabinoid content extracted from Federally compliant, USA-grown industrial hemp in accordance with the Nevada Department of Agriculture State of Nevada Hemp Plan and Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 557. This THC-free, pure-CBD water soluble concentrate is typically used for applications such as skincare, bath and body and beauty topics and a multitude of other applications where a concentrated THC-free pure CBD ingredient is needed.

Product Specification
Safety Data Sheet
Handling Instructions
Typical COA
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THC-Free Cannabinoid wholesale concentrates

THC-Free Water Soluble Liquid

THC-Free Water Soluble Liquid

THC-Free Water Soluble Liquid is a raw cannabinoid concentrate ingredient with a 20% Cannabidiol (CBD) concentration that can be used in the manufacturing of retail products. Cannabinoids in this low viscosity liquid product are extracted from Federally compliant, USA-grown industrial hemp in accordance with the Nevada Department of Agriculture State of Nevada Hemp Plan and Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 557. This THC-free, pure-CBD water soluble concentrate is typically used for applications such as beverages, skincare, bath and body and beauty topics and a multitude of other applications where a concentrated THC-free pure CBD ingredient is needed.

Product Specification
Safety Data Sheet
Handling Instructions
Typical COA
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Cannabinoid Manufacturing Essentials

THC-Free Water Soluble Powder

THC-Free Water Soluble Powder

THC-Free Water Soluble Powder is a raw cannabinoid concentrate ingredient with a 20% CBD conentration that can be used in the manufacturing of retail products. Cannabinoids in this fine mesh powder product are extracted from Federally compliant, USA-grown industrial hemp in accordance with the Nevada Department of Agriculture State of Nevada Hemp Plan and Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 557. This THC-free, pure-CBD water soluble powdered concentrate is available in Edible Formula and Topical Formula versions and is typically used in ingestible applications such as baked goods, gummies, pet products, or skincare, bath and body and beauty topical applications where a concentrated THC-free pure CBD ingredient is needed.

Product Specification (Edible Formula)
Safety Data Sheet (Edible Formula)
Product Specification (Topical Formula)
Safety Data Sheet (Topical Formula)
Handling Instructions
Typical COA (Edible Formula)
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Wholesale Full Spectrum Cannabinoids

Full Spectrum Water Soluble Powder

Full Spectrum Water Soluble Powder

Full Spectrum Water Soluble Powder is a multi-cannabinoid concentrate ingredient with a 10% cannabinoid concentration that can be used in the manufacturing of retail products. Cannabinoids in this fine mesh powder product are extracted from Federally compliant, USA-grown industrial hemp in accordance with the Nevada Department of Agriculture State of Nevada Hemp Plan and Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 557. This THC-compliant, full spectrum water soluble powdered concentrate is available in Edible Formula and Topical Formula versions and is typically used in ingestible applications such as baked goods, gummies, pet products, or skincare, bath and body and beauty topical applications where a concentrated THC-compliant pure full spectrum ingredient is needed.

Product Specification (Edible Formula)
Safety Data Sheet (Edible Formula)
Product Specification (Topical Formula)
Safety Data Sheet (Topical Formula)
Handling Instructions
Typical COA (Edible Formula)
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Wholesale cannabinoid extract for manufacturers

Extracts & Distillates | Cannabinoid Isolates | Water Soluble Cannabinoid Concentrates