Green Tea Extract

green tea skin care
Botanical Source: Camellia Sinensis
Ingredient Addition Cost: $0.10 - $0.03 per unit
Natural Respitory Health Essential Oil

Rich in Polyphenols, Catechins, and Caffeine, Green Tea extract is reputed to have properties that make it beneficial for addressing and potentially preventing numerous skin-related complaints. For centuries, it has been used in Eastern traditional medicine to soothe inflammation, especially in association with eczema and joint pain, such as arthritis. Green Tea Extract contains the Methylxanthines which stimulate skin microcirculation, positively influencing the tone and health of the skin, and decreasing wrinkles, thereby making skin look younger. It is useful to incorporate Green Tea Extract into your skin care product to possibly slow down your skin's aging process.

botanical green tea extract

Green Tea Extract has long been associated with numerous skin benefits. Derived from leaves of Camellia sinensis, Green Tea Extract is naturally rich in antioxidants, which protect skin from the damaging effect of free radicals. Green Tea Extract acts as an anti-inflammatory agent thereby reducing inflammation in the skin, and most importantly, having an inhibitory action on collagenase (a collagen-reducing enzyme that breaks down collagen). By helping to inhibit collagenase, the topical use of Green Tea helps to promote collagen production, thereby providing a foundation for firm and elastic skin. In at least one clinical study skin displayed measurably more elastic tissue content after continuous application of a product containing green tea extract.

Used cosmetically, Green Tea Extract helps diminish the signs of aging, calms irritation, evens out discoloration, diminishes the appearance of cellulite, soothes redness and swelling, repairs damage, exfoliates, decreases the appearance and occurrence of blackheads, eliminates dead skin, dirt, bacteria, and other pollutants on the skin’s surface, decreases puffiness, and reduces the appearance of dark circles.

Used medicinally, Green Tea Extract soothes muscle soreness, eases joint pain, facilitates fat loss, maintains gut health, enhances circulation, regulates blood pressure, boosts energy, protects the skin against the harmful effects of overexposure to the sun, soothes inflammation, strengthens bone health, prevents bacterial infections, and promotes mental alertness.