Clary Sage Essential Oil

Natural Anti-Depressant
Botanical Source: Salvia sclarea
Ingredient Addition Cost: $0.75 - $0.45 per unit
Natural Respitory Health Essential Oil

A natural antidepressant, Clary Sage is commonly used to relieve stress and promote relaxation. It is also commonly used to balance hormonal disorders, improve digestion and circulation, as well as being a natural antibacterial. WIth a warm, musky, and herbal aroma, Clary Sage pairs well with cedarwood, geranium, jasmine, and rose.

Clary Sage Essential Oils

Clary Sage is a flowering herb that’s native to the Mediterranean Basin. The essential oil that’s extracted from the leaves and buds of the plant has a clean, refreshing scent that you can use as a skin balm or gently inhale as part of an aromatherapy treatment. Clary sage oil in diluted form may have a positive impact upon some strains of bacteria. Researchers think it could be an effective treatment alone or in addition to traditional treatments for wound care.

A small clinical study examined 48 women who experienced painful menstruation and cramps. Some of the women were given a cream containing clary sage oil and other essential oils to apply onto their lower abdomens daily, between menstrual cycles. The women who used the cream had a significant reduction in menstrual cramps than the control group.